Preparing for the MAC Exam


The HVREMSCO MAC Exam consists of five modules:
Module 1 – Cardiac
Module 2 – General & Environmental
Module 3 – General Operations
Module 4 – Respiratory
Module 5 – Trauma

The majority of the questions are derived directly from the protocols; however, there are a substantial number of questions that refer to the Medical Control Policies and Procedures Manual, as well as the HVREMAC Credentialing Manual.  We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to be intimately familiar with these particular manuals.

Each Module is comprised of twenty questions, and each module must be passed with a grade of 90% or better.  All questions are drawn form the Collaborative Protocols and from the Medical Control Policies and Procedures ManualMedical Procedures Manual and the HVREMAC Credentialing & CME Policies and Procedures Manual.

Retesting Policy:

The Hudson Valley Regional EMS Council Protocol Committee has decided to test a new process for the initial credentialing of any provider that will be coming to the office to take the HVREMAC exam:
This will be a beta test for the next several months; changes will include the following:
1. The HVREMAC exam will be an open book test; a grade of 90% per module will be considered passing.
2. Providers will be given two (2) hours to complete the exam; any questions not answered within the time allotted will be marked as incorrect
3. Providers will be supplied with copies of the Protocols and Policies and Procedure manuals: Electronic devices are not allowed.
4. Any provider that fails any module of the test on the initial exam will need to wait two (2) weeks before taking a retest and must submit the HVREMAC Re-Examination form that will be signed by the agency.
5. Any provider that fails a retest will need to wait thirty (30) days and have written remediation from their agency prior to scheduling another exam.