Local Links
Arlington Fire District |
www.afd.org |
Beacon Volunteer Ambulance Corps |
www.beaconvac.org |
Benedictine Hospital |
www.benedictine.org |
Blooming Grove VAC |
www.bloominggroveambulance.org |
Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response |
www.co.dutchess.ny.us |
Emstar Ambulance |
www.emstarambulance.com |
Gardiner Fire Rescue |
www.gardinerfireandrescue.org/ |
Good Samaritan Hospital |
www.GoodSamHosp.org/ |
Kerhonkson Accord First Aid Squad |
www.kafas.us/ |
Life Net of New York |
www.lifenetny.com |
Marbletown First Aid Unit |
www.MarbletownRescue.com |
Mobile Life Support Services |
www.mobilelife.com |
New Paltz Rescue Squad |
www.newpaltzrescue.org |
New Windsor Volunteer Ambulance Corps |
www.newwindsorems.org |
Northern Dutchess Paramedics |
www.ndpems.com |
Nyack Community Ambulance Corps, Inc. |
www.nyackems.org |
Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services |
www.pcbes.org |
Rockland Paramedic Service |
www.rocklandparamedics.org |
St. Luke’s-Cornwall Hospital |
www.stlukescornwallhospital.org |
SUNY Ulster Community College |
www.sunyulster.edu |
Town of Newburgh Ambulance Corp. |
www.tonems.org |
Town of Wallkill Volunteer Ambulance |
https://www.towvac.org/ |
Wallkill Fire Department |
www.wallkillfd.org |
Westchester Regional Emergency Medical Services |
www.wremsco.com |
State Links
Western Regional EMS |
www.wremac.com |
Midstate Regional EMS Council |
www.midstateems.org |
Central New York Regional EMS |
www.cnyems.org |
Adirondack-Appalachian Regional EMS |
www.aarems.org |
New York State Department of Health EMS |
www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/ems/main.htm |
New York State Dept. of Health Stroke Designated Centers |
NYSDOH Stroke Designated Centers |
NY State Emergency Management Organization |
www.nysemo.state.ny.us |
New York City Regional EMS Council |
www.nycremsco.org |
Suffolk Regional EMS Council |
www.suffolkremsco.com |
Nassau Regional EMS Council |
www.nassauems.com |
Hudson-Mohawk Regional EMS Council (REMO) |
www.remo-ems.com |
Westchester Regional EMS Council |
www.wremsco.org |
Healthcare Association of New York State |
www.hanys.org |
United New York Ambulance Network |
www.unyan.net |
Federal Links
www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/ems |
EMS-C National Resource Center |
www.ems-c.org |
Federal Emergency Management Agency |
www.fema.gov |
Center for Disease Control (CDC) |
www.cdc.gov |
Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services |
www.caas.org |
Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems |
www.camts.org |
American Ambulance Association |
www.the-aaa.org |
American College of Emergency Physicians |
www.acep.org |
American College of Surgeons |
www.facs.org |
National Association of EMT’s |
www.naemt.org |
American Medical Association |
www.ama-assn.org |
National Association of EMS Educators |
www.naemse.org |
National Association of EMS Physicians |
www.naemsp.org |
National Association for Early Defibrillation |
www.early-defib.org |
National Registry of EMT’s |
www.nremt.org |
National Association of State EMS Directors |
www.nasemso.org |
National Fire Protection Association |
www.nfpa.org |
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma |
www.aast.org |
www.phtls.org |
Allergic Reactions Central |
www.allergic-reactions.com |
Brain Trauma Foundation |
www.braintrauma.org |
FDA Drug Shortage Information |
www.fda.gov/cder/drug/shortages/default.htm |
International Links
World Health Organization |
www.who.int |
Pan American Health Organization |
www.paho.org |
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation |
www.icisf.org |
International Association of Emergency Managers |
www.iaem.com |
International Association of Fire Fighters |
www.jaff.org |
International Association of Fire Chiefs |
www.iafc.org |
Paramedics for Children Organization |
www.childrensnational.org |
Flight EMS
Association of Air Medical Services |
www.aams.org |
FlightWeb |
www.flightweb.com |
Air and Surface Transport Nurses Association |
www.astna.org |
www.jems.com |
EMS Magazine |
www.emsmagazine.com |
Annals of Emergency Medicine |
www.acep.org/annals/ |
EMS Insider |
www.jems.com/insider/ |
New England Journal of Medicine |
www.nejm.org |
Emergency Nursing World |
www.enw.org/toc.htm |
Brady Publishing |
www.bradybooks.com |
Misc Links
First Aid & Home Safety Guide for Kids |
https://www.angieslist.com/articles/safe-home-guide-first-aid-and-safety-kids.htm |
CPR Training Guide |
https://online.regiscollege.edu/master-health-administration/cpr-information-health-training-resource-guide/ |