Chapter 552 of the Laws of 1998 authorized Public Access Defibrillation. Public Access Defibrillation is designed to encourage greater acquisition, deployment and use of automatic external defibrillators (AED) in communities around the State in an effort to reduce the number of deaths associated with sudden cardiac arrest.


Communities should aim to ensure that every victim of sudden cardiac arrest is treated with a defibrillator within five minutes of arrest.


Extensive Studies have shown that victims of sudden cardiac arrest have a greater chance of survival if there is:

• Early Access to 9-1-1 – recognize an emergency and call 9-1-1 (or the EMS system in your area)

• Early Access to CPR

• Early Access to Defibrillation

• Early Access to Advanced Cardiac Life Support  

The four points noted above are called the “Chain of Survival” and are often the deciding factors between life and death.



To be authorized to use an AED in NY State, an organization needs to make specific notification of intent to the appropriate Regional EMS Council (in this case, the Hudson Valley Regional EMS Council), who will then notify the NY State Department of Health. Entities providing PAD must also participate in the Regional quality assurance/quality improvement (QA/QI) program and provide data to the REMSCO Office upon use of an AED.

Click here for the latest PAD information packet (NYS DOH Bureau of EMS Policy Statement 07-04, Notice of Intent, and Collaborative Agreement).

Entities filing for PAD in the Hudson Valley Region should send their materials to:

Hudson Valley Regional EMS Council
33 Airport Center Drive Suite 204
New Windsor NY 12553
Attn: PAD Program

The links below are intended to provide guidance with the development of an effective PAD program. Please feel free contact our office with any questions regarding form completion or submission requirements!

HVREMSCO PAD Application Packet

Hudson Valley Regional EMS Council PAD QI Report Card

For additional information regarding PAD, click one of the links below

American Red Cross

American Heart Association

American Safety and Health Institute

National Safety Council

National Center for Early Defibrillation