The Hudson Valley Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (REMAC) serves as a standing committee of, and under the authority of, the Hudson Valley Regional EMS Council in accordance with Article 30 of the NY State Public Health Law. The REMAC is responsible for developing policies, procedures, and triage, treatment, and transport protocols which are consistent with the standards of the NY State Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (SEMAC) and which address specific local conditions. The REMAC also approves physicians to provide on line medical control, coordinates the development of the regional medical control system, and participates in quality improvement activities addressing system-wide concerns. The REMAC has formulated the Regional Medical Control Plan in order to ensure the continuity of high quality pre-hospital emergency medical care throughout the Hudson Valley Region and has established credentialing and continuing medical education policies and procedures for all advanced life support providers and medical control physicians. The Regional EMS Council appoints a Medical Director who is responsible for the overall coordination and operation of the REMAC. In addition to the Medical Director, the REMAC is comprised of appointed Physician Emergency Department Director delegates from each of the Medical Control Hospitals in the Region. The REMAC nominates, on an annual basis, to the Regional EMS Council, for the Council’s consideration and approval, a physician to serve as REMAC Chairperson.



Regional Council

Office Name e-Mail
President David Grass
Vice President Richard Parrish
Treasurer Wayne Chan
Secretary Steve Weigand
Medical Director Dr. M. Papish
REMAC Chair Dr. Pamela Murphy
State EMS Council Representative David Violante
Public Education and Information Committee Chair
Training Committee Chair David Violante
Legislative & By-Laws Committee Chair Albee Bockman
Transportation Committee Chair Glenn Albin
Policies & Procedures Committee Chair